*I give away some of the plot. I’m sorry if you haven’t read it yet.
I read Inheritance by Christopher Paolini. It is the fourth and last book of the series. It took three long years but I finally got to finish reading the series. The third book came out in 2008 and the fourth one came out in November of 2011. I loved the books but hated waiting for so long for the last one. My curiosity was killing me.
While I was reading Inheritance, I was thinking about how in class we were talking about the journey of the hero. I was trying to figure out if Eragon fit the description of a hero. Eragon goes through a lot of the stages descriptions. The first stage, his birth was not a very fabulous circumstance but it could be unusual because he was an orphan. He lived with his uncle and cousin and did not know who or what his parents were like. The second stage, the call to adventure, came when Eragon met his dragon, Saphira. He also gets help from a couple of people such as Brom and Arya which is the third stage. Eragon’s hero journey continues but would take a couple of pages to explain so I’ll stop now because his journey is throughout the series. I believe that for the most part Eragon definitely fulfills the description of a hero, especially because he does have his faults.
I also noticed that when *Eragon discovers the Eldunari; I stopped reading for a bit of time. It was mostly because I had been reading furiously to find out what was going to happen. When I did, I kind of lost some of my momentum. It had been motivation because I really wanted to find out what was hidden. I liked that it was Eldunari so I don’t think that was what made me loose some interest. Eldunari was not a let down but what might have been was that Eragon was still not more powerful than Galbatorix. I was hoping that he would be able to easily defeat the king. I wasn’t even really excited to get to the real climax between Eragon and Galbatorix because of this. I thought that the climax still brought together the series as a good ending though.
I thought that the wait was definitely worth it. I kept wondering throughout the years when it would come out and that could be a lot of pressure for an author. It can be a lot of pressure because people have been waiting for so long and probably have high expectations. I thought that it did live up to my expectations although. Inheritance was a great ending to a long wait.
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