Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Knife of Never Letting Go

The book I read was The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness. It is the first book of the trilogy. It is a first person point of view by Todd Hewitt. The first thing that came to mind, when I started reading, was the terrible spelling. I was worried about my spelling skills because I did not want to pick up the bad spelling by mistake. It is actually a fear I have of spelling a word incorrectly because I have read a book that spelled it that way. An example is when we read Old English and they spell words with another “u” like honour. The word is probably correct also but in America we spell it like honor. While I was reading The Knife of Never Letting Go, I kept worrying I was going to pick up the spelling skills but so far it hasn’t happened. The main reason for the protagonist’s (Todd Hewitt) bad spelling was to show how he was not educated.

             Another thing that struck me was that the town was called Prentisstown which to me seemed similar to Patrick Ness. I don’t know why exactly but I wondered if that was some sort of hidden meaning for the author. It could just be me though.

            *A part of the book that really got to me was the death of Manchee. It made me cry because Manchee was so innocent. The relationship between an owner and a pet is really close because the pet has to rely on its owner. A pet usually cannot take care of themselves and rely on their owner for food and a place to sleep. It was devastating for me when Manchee died because he just said “Todd?” and he was so innocent. A main theme in this book is innocence. The death of Manchee was an example and even just the character Todd is innocence. The storyline revolves around the town of Prentisstown chasing after Todd because he is innocent. He was the last boy of the town and because of that; he did not know the truth of the town and the women.

            The title of the book also has a lot of significance because throughout the story, Todd never lets go of his knife. The title alludes to an important aspect of the character. Todd never wants to let go of the knife because he does not trust others and also because he does not trust in his ability. Todd does not believe he is going to survive to get to Haven and that he can kill someone. He does both but the reader does not find out if his survival will continue. When he killed the Spackle instead of feeling bad for Todd, I felt bad for the Spackle. I know that it was a mistake on Todd’s part but I felt he should have been more guilt-stricken. Although I guess it’s hard to really reflect on the past when you are trying to survive for the future.

            I can’t say I loved the Knife of Never Letting Go mostly because it left me sad. It gave me a good cry which is sometimes really needed but it didn’t give me the hope that I expected. The ending was a big plot twist but after rooting for them for so long, it kind of left me tired. I couldn’t stop reading though and would still like to read the rest of the series. I thought the book was really good but I just hope that the next one has a little more positive ending.

*= Spoiler Alert

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